make light, season 2, episode 2: exploring the world with ernest white


Several years ago, when I spoke at the World Domination Summit, a young man walked up to me, extending his hand.  "Hi, I'm Ernest," he smiled.  I quickly learned that he was a Floridian, a writer, and an editor for Time Out Magazine in São Paolo.  He was warm, and funny, and engaging, and I suspected that I'd just made a fast friend.  I was right.

Since then, Ernest has gone on to amazing things:  he now lives in New York, where he's masterminding a media empire.  He's the creative mind behind Fly Brother travel blog, but also the brand new television series by the same name.  And because Ernest always does his work through a lens of friendship and connection, I knew I wanted to have him on The Make Light Show.

So just us as we talk about why it’s important to get out and see the world, and how being authentic and vulnerable gives the people you’re connecting with the opportunity to show their best selves.   Click here or the arrow below to listen to our conversation.

If you're as taken by Ernest's charm as I was, be sure to click here to learn more about him.  And please, don't forget to subscribe on iTunesAndroid, or wherever you listen to your podcasts -- and if you're enjoying the show, be sure to leave a review!