guest photographer: jen gray

Photo by Jen Gray

 (Last week, I mentioned that I was going to post a bit less frequently while I work on my book -- so for your viewing pleasure, I thought I'd have some guest posts by a few photographers who I really admire.  Today, meet Jen Gray.  I've been following her work for years, and was thrilled to finally meet her two years ago on a trip to the Oregon coast.  I'm so proud to call her a friend, because I adore Jen, and because she's a woman who really lives her life out loud.  I think you'll love her too.  -- Ed.)


If you have had the chance to roam around the grounds of Ernest Hemingway's home in Key West, then you are well familiar with the cats which reside there. Hemingway was given a six-toed cat from a sea captain many years ago, and several of the cats who currently live on the grounds are descendants of that original cat.

I have spent a lot of time sitting in the gardens at this museum. Each time I go, I find a new little treasure I had missed the time before. It might be a figurine in the dining room, or a little nook back by the pool, or in this case, it was one of the 6-toed cats...

Hemingway wrote, “All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.”

This line is one of my favorites, as it reminds me whether I am taking a photograph, or collecting a story, or walking down the old horse trail, to act as if it is something brand new. It makes the experience completely different, and allows me to always discover new treasures ...

... Today I wish for you the blessing of seeing someone (or something) as if you were seeing them for the very first time.


SongLove me still by Chaka Khan.  Today's song brought to you by Jen.

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