bracing for impact

I was talking online with a friend earlier this week, and at one point, I mentioned I was feeling overwhelmed.

"Okay, no wait, that's a lie," I said.  "I'm not actually feeling overwhelmed.  Not yet. But you know that feeling you get when you know that you're about to have a ton to do, but you haven't yet taken the time to really take stock of everything that you're going to have to do yet, and so instead of being ready to tackle whatever that ton-to-do might be head on, you're just overcome by a sense of impending doom?"

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" she wrote.

"EXACTLY," I responded.

So that's where I am right now.  There's not much going on today, but I can already tell that a deluge is coming.  I really need to wrap my mind around it all.  So, I'm afraid I'm a bit unfocused right now, so please bear with me over the next couple of days as I try to pull myself together. 

In fact, come to think of it, maybe you can help me:

One of the things I need to do is put together a travel schedule for 2011.  One of the things I think I want to do (though I haven't actually sat down to make a plan yet -- you see how bad I am?) is probably plan book signings/speaking/meetups adjacent to the dates of any conferences that I may attend next year.  But in addition to that, I think I'd like to make a couple of city stops for places where I might not have any conferences at all, as well.

So, if you think you might be interested in attending a book signing/speaking/meetup thing in your city next year for The Beauty of Different, would you mind mentioning as much in the comments?  Sort of as an informal survey to help me nail down cities and possible dates.  Right now, I'm thinking mainly cities in the United States, maybe Canada, and perhaps England (since we're way overdue for a family visit) -- but hey, if there's enough interest in another country, I'm not opposed to doing a bit of travel!  (For those of you in Houston, don't forget the book launch is in 3 weeks at Brazos Bookstore.  I hope I'll see you there!)

Thanks in advance, everyone.  I promise to return to our regular scheduled programming tomorrow.

* * * * * * *

(Incidentally, the winner of Expressive Photography from yesterday's post, according to, is Alissa, who said, "I'm really enjoying my son lately."  Congratulations, Alissa!  I'll contact you via email to get your snail mail details.)

Image:  Another view of yesterday's bouquet, photographed with my Nikon D300, 60mm micro lens.


Song: Bright lights, bigger city by Cee-Lo Green.  I love this man so much, it's becoming inappropriate.

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