photovent 2010, day 12: dream

"The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you."

~ Tom Bradley

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It dawned on me that there are a few things that I've totally spaced on sharing with you over the last week (seriously, my head has been completely in the clouds for the last week or so):

-  If you're new here, you probably don't know that I offer free desktop downloads every month -- for both your computer and your iPhone (if you have one).  Compliments from me to you.

-  Also?  I've decided I'm going to start doing a "virtual mixtape" for you guys every month, courtesy of  This month's, I think, is perfect if it's cold and miserable outside, but you have a good bottle of wine, good friends, a good fire and some good twinkly lights* going on inside.  Enjoy.

Update:  One more thing -- my friend Kelly Rae just posted a letter I wrote to her brand new baby boy, True.  It's full of advice, advice which I really need to heed more often myself, actually.  Especially the last bit.  Anyway, I hope you like it.

On a totally different subject, with all of the wonderful excitement in my life these days, I've been craving some quiet time.  I literally was thinking about this on Sunday evening, when my friend Marianne Elliott, peace activist and yogini extraordinaire, contacted me about her upcoming 30-day online course in January.  Marianne does these amazing online yoga courses which are tailored specifically for her clients -- she sends you videos and keeps you on track, helping you create your own yoga practice in the comfort, privacy and peace of your own home. 

How awesome is that?

I'm going to be signing up for her next course starting January 4th, but get this:  Marianne has offered to let me give away a spot in this course for one of my readers, as wellSo simply leave a comment below, telling me what you're dreaming for yourself these days, and I'll pick one commenter at random to receive a spot in her course.  And as always, this contest is for everyone -- since her courses are virtual, all you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Good luck!  (And, of course, if you'd like to sign up for the course yourself, you can do so right here -- but remember, registration closes December 19th.)


N.B.  You don't have to celebrate Christmas to have twinkly lights. Why, I have twinkly lights all over my house all year long.  G'head. Throw some up.  They're an instant pick-me-up.

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The image at the top of this post is the 12th image of Photovent 2010You can download the pdf for it here.  And click here to learn how to use it to assemble a beautifully different photo garland.

SongTake California by Propellerheads

Karen Walrond60 Comments