photovent 2010, day 13: sing

"If I'm going to sing like someone else, then I don't need to sing at all."

~  Billie Holiday

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I loved reading your dreams for yourself!  The winner of Marianne's awesome 30 days of yoga course is Kristal, who said, "Wow, that looks like a great course, I am very excited. I dream of being able to figure out if my dream job when I started college is still my dream today or if I am just being stubborn and how I should be directing my efforts. Feeling very conflicted lately and I wish I could come to a resolution and a direction."  Congratulations, Kristal!  Marianne will email you directly with all the information.

Today, I'm headed on a solo road trip to San Antonio.  I was thinking that it's been ages sine I've traveled any distance in my car by myself -- I'm feeling a bit out of practice! I'm trying to remember what's required for this sort of thing:  a good playlist, I'm thinking, and maybe some munchies? Fruit, perhaps? Nuts?  Economy-size bag of Cheetos?

Anyway, I'm headed out.  And if you happen to be in San Antonio tomorrow, I hope you'll come hang out with me (and some really good friends) at Coco Chocolate Lounge. Festivities begin at 6 -- there'll be books for sale (courtesy of Twig), and good cheer, and chocolate. 

Hope to see you there.

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The image at the top of this post is the 13th image of Photovent 2010You can download the pdf for it here.  And click here to learn how to use it to assemble a beautifully different photo garland.

SongSummertime, as performed by Scarlett Johansson.  This is my favourite Billie Holiday song, and Scarlett does a sincerely admirable job of it.

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