nablopomo day 24: where's walrond? (day 7)

Almost at the end of our Where's Walrond challenge, friends -- have you guessed where we are?  Even though we already have a winner, today I share with you my second-most-revealing photo:  this image is one of the main drags of the city we're in this week.  Does this confirm any of your earlier guesses?  Your guess from yesterday?  Would you like to change your mind?

(I'll give you a few hints:  We're nowhere in North America.  Also, while English is spoken here, this isn't Dublin or London.)

Remember, city and country, please -- and tomorrow, I share the most revealing image I've taken on this trip.


(Also, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.  On this day of thanks, I thought I'd share with you a post written by my friend Andrea Scher -- and know that wherever in the world you are, I'm sending a "stealth blessing" your way.)

(Update also:  For those of you who have a nagging dread about dealing with the crowded malls tomorrow to do your Christmas shopping, here's how I avoid the malls, get my shopping done, and help small businesses along the way.)

(Update also also:  I decided to do my Bliss Your Heart post a day early -- what with it being Thanksgiving and all.  Here's everything I'm thankful for this week (including a few additional photo clues!))

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