favourite images from around our house these past few evenings

About 20 years ago, I knew an avid golfer.  Every Saturday morning, like clockwork, he would wake up bright and early, and head out to a golf course to play a few rounds.  And every Saturday afternoon, like clockwork, he would be in a foul mood, enraged at his performance.  "Okay, seriously, I do not get it," I said one day.  "Why do you play every week?  I mean, the game clearly pisses you off.  Do you enjoy being angry? This doesn't seem like a lot of fun for you.​"

(I'm confused and then somewhat enlightened about golf over at Bliss Your Heart.  Click here to read more.)

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Last Friday was Alex's last day of second grade;  yesterday, we had her final student-teacher conference.  And with that, she's officially a third grader.

Also with that, it's officially summer around our house.  And here's how it looks so far.​

(I"m also loving how summer is looking with your #instacamp photos, friends!  Keep them coming.  I'll feature my favourites so far here on Chookooloonks tomorrow, and then the first​ official prompt will go live on Monday.

SongBlackbird, as performed by Dionne Farris